a buddy of mine sent me a email or post I can't remember simply stating he had relapsed and was getting back on suboxone
here was my reply I post this here to spark some discussion
and prove I am not always on some internet jokes and bullshit
Suboxone and Relapse
doctors want people to stay on suboxone & methadone forever in my experience
they are limited to a medical base of Drug Replacement Therapy
I have had sponsee's out the ass who used suboxone/methadone
as a replacement for recovery
and in the long run it never worked
when they got off suboxone
if they weren't working some kind of 12 step program
and again this is what worked for me
they went right back out
and whether they replaced their opiates
with weed and alcohol
because it isn't as frowned upon
as say meth, heroin or whatever "hard" drug they were on
they feel like everything is all good in the hood
they go to a party
run into a old "friend"
who offers them a pill shot etc for old times sake
and it's off to the races
it usually ends badly
and I have a million war storys
of people coming in and out of the rooms of NA
telling me how it sucks out there
and blah blah
heres my thing
if I go through the withdrawls
after a safe detox then
I need to start fresh
complete abstinence
from mind altering substances that make me unmanageable
and lets not be pedantic
I know coffee and cigarettes and aspirin are mindaltering
but I never robbed someone cause I needed aspirin for a headache
but I digreess
I didn't detox properly off Benzodiazepines and had a seizure
so I don't think sometimes a nice 5-6 day medical detox is bad idea
but then after that it's time to man up like some people have stated rudely or not
and take responsibilty for how I was feeling
when I got out of detox
I felt like bloody hell
so I went to a meeting
and then more meetings
and then I got a sponsor
and then I worked some steps
and then I went to conventions
and then I worked more steps and etc.
along the way
I lost the desire to get high
and started feeling better
started actually getting insight
into the person I wanted to be
without feeling trapped by active addiction
started understanding
that some people suffer from a disease called addiction
some don't
and I am not anti-drug
I am pro-recovery
I assume most of you here are adult enough
to make your own decisions
I can do whatever I want
I just need to deal with the consequences
I know if I use
from experience I cannot handle it
thats just me
and it sucks detoxing
I don't wanna do it ever again
so I don't pick up
it works for me
the rugged ass detox I went through
and all the mental health stuff afterwards from meth psychosis
is a constant reminder for me to not use no matter what
my pops died
I didn't pick up
my mom is in bad health I don't pick up
I been out of work for a grip
I still don't pick up
and I don't take meds to manage my feelings as personal choice
cause my brain doesn't know the difference
between meds
and crystal
so I have to be very careful
and follow my doctors orders
and my friends with more experience than me staying clean suggestions
then again
I'm just going from my experience here
this is just stuff that worked for me
I don't like everyone in NA
but alot of the people in there
have pretty much helped me
learn how to save my own life
so it works for me and I am grateful
my dad is going on 11 years in january and i would like to share this post with him. he has always said that his brutal detox was the first thing that kept him from drinking, LONG before he learned how to be sober. thank you for sharing!